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Key Biblio Features and Enhancements

Updated: Oct 28, 2022

The Virtusales Client Services team has presented a medley session highlighting key advancements developed over the last 18 months, along with a review of useful features that have been available in Biblio for some time, but users may be unaware of.

We have included timestamps so you can move to relevant areas as needed (please note these will open a new tab).

Works and Editions 00:30

ONIX 03:54

Digital Workflows and Asset Management 06:21

Production 07:24

Contacts, Rights and Royalties 14:13

Reports 19:32 Tips and Tricks 22:46

If you have any further questions, please feel free to get in touch via email or raise a Tracker call, quoting BiblioU Online in the subject line, and we will happily answer your questions.

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