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Academic Publishing: The Challenges and Opportunities in Today's Changing Arena

Updated: Oct 19, 2021

Accompanying a presentation by Mark Collins, Virtusales’ Director of Academic, at The London Book Fair 2018, this report explores the changing needs of academic publishing and looks at some case studies on how some publishers are experimenting with new business models and capitalising on the challenges and opportunities in today’s changing arena.

In particular, this White Paper focuses on how publishers are managing increasingly higher volumes of titles and formats with fewer sales, and how this has created the need for them to manage increasing amounts of metadata for multiple channels.

Using insight that Virtusales has gained from working with some of the world’s largest publishers, this White Paper looks at how publishers are reacting and exploring new publishing models in order to overcome the challenges, and capitalise on the opportunities. It also looks at real-life case studies on the different approaches that publishers are taking, such as automating and enriching big data to ensure accurate, high-quality metadata across their full product range, and utilising online discoverability to drive through sales.

Finally, the paper summarises the key role publishing systems have to play in supporting publishers today and offers some takeaway points to help publishers facilitate innovation and stay ahead of these changes in the industry.

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